Asset Protection : As real estate investors, it is our intent to create massive and passive income and there is no doubt an investor with the required knowledge will make money (and a lot of it) for throughout his/her career.
Asset Protection
We offer a seminar that will exclusively cover the following:
Three Ways Investors Make Money:
Income from short term deals (buy- fix-sells, assignments, referral/finder’s fees)
 Passive income created from monthly income (rent, lease payments etc.)
Selling long term holdings
Three Keys to Pay Less Tax:
 Deferring tax payouts, resulting in paying less taxes
 Deferring gains on capital, resulting in paying less capital gains- control more properties
Understanding how to use losses and converting them into huge profits
Protect Yourself Against Potential Lawsuits & Lower Your Tax Bracket:
Should we incorporate?
o At what point does it make sense to incorporate?
If I do incorporate, what is the best way to set it up?
PREIG Canada offers an Asset Protection Apprenticeship training that will provide you with the tools to sharpen your knowledge, skill and understanding on how to protect your massive and passive income. You will also learn about the intricacies of holding onto more of your profits by deferring tax and paying less tax legally.
You will also learn important strategies which will enable you to achieve even more deals- some where you can intentionally lose money and convert those losses, profiting millions of dollars.
This training also discusses the many pros and cons of setting up a corporation and the processes involved.
Your success is our Passion!