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Glossophobia, also known as the fear of public speaking is prominent amongst many. If you understand the fundamentals of public speaking, the fear is diminished and communication among a group of individuals flows with great ease. This fear is formed by the mold of our past experiences, values, and social pressure. The technique is art, once mastered, will harbor a sixth sense which will engage your audience and allow you to deliver your message with great effectiveness.

Public Speaking

The following techniques will be covered in our all-embracing 3 hour seminar:

The message a strong posture delivers and how to attain it;

The benefits of breathing effectively;

Ice breakers– what are they and how to use them;

Connecting with each audience member and engaging them;

Speaking with one of your most valuable assets; your heart;

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Effective Q&A;

Learn by personal experience;

Controlling the energy in the room;

Value others time- time management.

You will also have the opportunity to pick up on a valuable tool from our expert speaker- how to deliver a polished speech in less than 10 minutes!

more info at Click here or copy and paste

Your success is our Passion!

Navtaj Chandhoke

Navtaj Chandhoke is a veteran Canadian Real Estate investor, Master Coach/Mentor/Speaker
& Canadian hard money lender . Join now
Canadian REI Club membership
to attend upcoming
No $$ Down Canadian Real Estate Seminar LIVE
in Canada and become next

Canadian Real Estate Apprentice

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